Number of SpinOffs /
Start-Ups approved *


Revenue from innovation
activities **


Number of new Collaborations ***


% Licensed Patents ****

484,412.18 €

Total funding raised by VHIR Spin-Off's & Start-Ups *****

(*) In 2022, VHIR’s Board of Trustees (Patronato) approved the constitution and/or participation to three companies participated by VHIR.
(**) Income generated by the activities of the Innovation Unit (royalties and ufront payments from licenses, OHs from collaboration agreements and competitive grants, etc.).
(***) Research collaborations between research groups at VHIR and companies, involving an innovation project.
(****) Ratio of licensed patents to all applied patents.
(*****) Total funding of our companies, public & private, competitive & non competitive.

Evolution of Income for innovation activity

Evolution of Income for innovation activity

Evolution of Income for innovation activity. The activities are described in the section: “Revenue collected by type of innovation activities”

Spin-off’s approved in 2022


In 2022, VHIR’s Board of Trustees (Patronato) approved VHIR’s participation in 3 companies.

Patents 2022


Patent applications *


Utility Model **


Patents entering national phases ***


Patents licensed to companies ****

(*) Patent families applied in 2022 (Patent families are the set of patent applications that derive from a first priority patent application).
(**) Utility Model Families in 2022 (Families are the set of applications that derive from a first Utility Model).
(***) National patent applications arising from an international PCT application.
(****) “Families” of Patents for which an exploitation agreement has been signed with a company (in this case called a licensee).

In total, Patents of VHIR


Patents applied *


of which licensed patents

(*) All patent families applied to 2022 inclusive.

Impact & other resources captured and confirmed during 2022


Revenues from Spin-Off's (licenses, services) *


People employed by our portfolio companies **


Portfolio Companies' Market Value ***


Value of Project Grants granted to our companies. ****

(*) Revenue from SpinOffs in which the VHIR participates
(**) Number of people employed by companies where VHIR is one of the shareholders.
(***) Total Fair Value, at 2022 closing, of the whole historic portfolio of companies where VHIR is one of the shareholders (including exits
(****) Direct or contribution. Competitive calls where our portfolio companies participate, and usually VHIR is also involved