Healthcare investigation has its own space as a multidisciplinary research group composed of nurses, midwives, and physiotherapists. The current new strategic lines of the group whose interest is focused on researching the elderly, children and adolescents and their families, encompass the ethical and social aspects of care, innovative technologies in health, innovative technologies in therapeutic applications and health promotion for the autonomy of patients and their caregivers. Our research has had results in clinical practice. We have several research projects funded by national research grants: to assess efficacy of an intensive pre-surgical intervention to quit smoking in smoking surgical patients; to develop the expert patient program and assess the impact on the quality of life, and self-management of multiple sclerosis patient and the study to explore the association between pediatrics nursing-sensitive outcomes and nurse staffing levels.

Group Leader
Esperanza Zuriguel Pérez

Principal Investigator (PI)
Esperanza Zuriguel Pérez, Vanessa Bueno López, Mar Eseverri Rovira, Elisabet Gallart Vivé, Zuleika Gonzalez Ramos, Beatriz Hernández Méndez, Montserrat Llinás Vidal, Olga Mestres Soler, Carolina Watson Badia

Adela Amat Huerta, Elena Carrillo Messa, Jesús Corrionero Alegre, Julia de Frutos Pecharroman, Mar Eseverri Rovira, Mercedes Garrido Martín, Raquel Gómez Gómez, Mª Carmen Gómez Martín, Zuleika Gonzalez Ramos, Anna Gros Turpin, Laura Hernández Castro, Beatriz Hernández Méndez, Montserrat Lolo Carrete, Sara López Branchadell, Zaria Oyague Flores, Nerea Parodi Piña, Cristina Pérez Conesa, Zaira Pérez Martínez, Nadia Puertas Porriño, Creu Regné Alegret, Saida Ridao Manonelles, Laura Rodriguez Pauli, Teresa Sanclemente Boli, Raquel Tapia Melenchón, David Tellez Velasco

PhD Students
Montserrat Aran Esteve, Rosa Casado Fernández, Raquel Coronado Robles, Purificación Escobar García, Mercè Ferrerons Sánchez, Javier García Fernández, Eva Gavilán Castillo, Ester Navarro Correal, Adoración Nieto Ruiz, Neus Pelay Panes, Bernat Planas Pascual, Miguel Ángel Robles Sánchez, Patricia Rubio Garrido, Débora Sierra Núñez, Claudia Serra Masmitja, Olga Valles Fructuoso, Mireia Sole Fernández, Rocío Tabernero Gallego, Angélica Varón Alvarez, Laia Ventura Expósito

Nursing and Technical Staff
Daniel Andrés Escobedo










Sierra-Núñez D, Zuriguel-Pérez E, Bosch-Alcaraz A.
Postsurgical pain assessment in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: A scoping review.
Developmental medicine and child neurology, 2022, Sep;64(9):1085-1095
DOI: doi: 10.1111/inr.12645
IF: 4.864

González-Ramos, Z., Zuriguel-Pérez, E., Collado-Palomares, A., & Casadó-Marín, L
My biggest fear is that people will forget about him’: Mothers’ emotional transitions after terminating their pregnancy for medical reasons
Journal of clinical nursing, 2022 Sep 1 PMID: 36047291
DOI: doi: 10.1111/jocn.16504
IF: 4.423

Artola, M., Hernando, A., Vidal, O., Vidal, N., Cuenca, E., Horno, R., Robles, M. Á., Oriol, C., Peralta, S., Solana, M. A. J., Rubio, M., Montero, C., Lleixà, M., Zabay, C., Martin, M., Leon, I., Molinos, C., Matamoros, M., Mercadé, L., Fornali, O., Montero Laura; Saiz Albert; Solà-Valls, N.
The role of specialist nurses in detecting spasticity and related symptoms in multiple sclerosis
Journal of clinical nursing, 2022 Jul 7 PMID: 35799407
DOI: doi: 10.1111/jocn.16421
IF: 4.423

Zuriguel-Pérez, E., Lluch-Canut, M. T., Puig-Llobet, M., Basco-Prado, L., Almazor-Sirvent, A., Biurrun-Garrido, A., Aguayo-González, M. P., Mestres-Soler, O., & Roldán-Merino, J.
The nursing critical thinking in clinical practice questionnaire for nursing students: A psychometric evaluation study
Nurse education in practice, 2022, Nov 65, 103498.
DOI: doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2022.103498
IF: 3.430

Urhan E, Zuriguel-Perez E, Harmanci Seren AK
Critical thinking among clinical nurses and related factors: A survey study in public hospitals.
Journal of clinical nursing, 2022, 31(21-22), 3155–3164.
DOI: doi: 10.1111/jocn.16141
IF: 4.423

Principal Investigator: Miguel Angel Robles Sanchez
Agency: Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Salut
Funding: 54,319.61€
Period: 2021-2023

Sistema de clasificación de pacientes de cuidados agudos a intensivos en el ámbito pediátrico.
Principal Investigator: Esperanza Zuriguel Pérez
Agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 17,545€
Period: 2022-2024

Evaluación de la eficacia de una intervención para dejar de fumar en pacientes prequirúrgicos de cirugía ortopédica o de cirugía general y urológica: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado.
Principal Investigator: Eva Gavilan Castillo
Agency: Col·legi Oficial d'Infermers/es de Barcelona
Funding: 3,597€
Period: 2021-2024

Implementació territorial i avaluació d’un programa pacient expert per millorar l’apoderament i la qualitat de vida de les persones amb esclerosi múltiple
Principal Investigator: Miguel Angel Robles Sanchez
Agency: Col·legi Oficial d'Infermers/es de Barcelona
Funding: 2,420€
Period: 2021-2024

Efectividad de un programa de intervención enfermera en Consultas externas para pacientes sometidos a escleroterapia venosa: Ensayo Clínico Aleatorizado.
Principal Investigator: Rosa Casado Fernández
Agency: Col·legi Oficial d'Infermers/es de Barcelona
Funding: 3,190€
Period: 2021-2024

Cushion to optimize the position of the fetal head
Priority Number: VHIR-4-OPG-2015.004
Priority Date: 30/11/2022
Applicants: Foundation LEITAT/CIMTI